Batman is my dog that I love so much! I didn’t plan to get a dog, but life had other plans and I’m so glad it did! I’m absolutely adore watching him become more and more confident and brave. I’m so lucky to have the chance to show him that not all people are bad and that he’s safe with me.
At first people had donated 600€ to my channel! I wanted to use the money to help an animal shelter that was in need, so I searched for the one that needed it the most. That’s when I saw Batman’s picture among hundreds of other animals who are all waiting for their forever homes.
It was so amazing to see the joy in the eyes of the people who work at the shelter after we made our second donation of over 1000€! They were so thankful and thrilled to know that they will be able to pay vet bills and animals will have enough food for a long time.
I think that every animal on this planet deserves love… That’s why these donation goals are so important to me. I’m too weak to go to the shelters and show them love by spending time with them, because seeing all those sad eyes scratching my heart, but what I can do is-instead of buying new pair of shoes from your donated moneys I can send them to organisations that gonna make sure that homeless and sick animals will have warm place to live and full vet help they need.